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Guest Dobberman

i cant record when im paning (stereo effects ) on the mixerboard, but i can record on every other devices. please help!!!

Guest Kiva -- Green Sector --

Yo hows it going,

If you mean record automation here is how you do that.


1. _Create Sequencer Track_ to pull this up just right click in the seqencer window to the left not where your virtual tracks are.


2.You should now have an empty track labeled "New Track ##". click on the little arrow and search for your mixer and select it as if it were an instrument. All of the options you have in the sequencing window for an instruent you now have for you mixer.


3.Follow the same steps you would to record any automation and your done. Now you have all of the contollers on your mixer.



This applies to everthing in reason. If you want to automate any effects you can follow these same steps replacing your mixer with any effect.

Guest dobberman

Thanx alot for the help ,i was nearly going crazy, this took care of my little prob , thank you :))))

Guest Kiva -- Green Sector --

No problem, anytime if you have any others just ask!

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