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Guest Pandable

MC 202 vs SH 101.... you know the traditional debate... Saving money vs. what seems to be a better sound... which way do I go? Astral uses BOTH. o-o;

Guest Lunar

I had a MC-202 once ...if you have another synth with CV-/gate then you hook it up and play the MC-202 with a regular key's instead of that stupid sequencer...the sounds are very good but i think the sequencer suxx big time..people say you can make 303-lines with the mc-202..i guess you can but it's VERY VERY complicated..that's the whole deal with the mc-202, it's complicated to use it but sounds very good (this is just my opinion)...try to get a SH-101 instead...the sound equally when it comes to sound!


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Jean Philippe

Hi ,

MC 202 and SH 101 , it's the same synthesizer ! But for sure if you have choice

take the SH101 , because the MC202 need a keyboard if you want to play it , and if you want to use the internal sequencer its really not easy ! So...

But with this synths you really cannot make a lot of things , no memory , no midi (so you need to buy a midi interface) , you cannot record the parameters , like cutoff or others , so personnaly i think if you start to make music , maybe wait a little beat and try to buy something like nordlead 1 or 2 in second hand , and i think also , now if you have a good computer with a lot of plugins and virtual synths (VST instruments) you can really make a fucking track for sure . Now you have really very good VST instruments like FM7 , absynth , pentagon , crono X , junglist , oddity , D'cota , PPG wave , pro 52 and 53 , with very killer sounds ! So ...

Good luck and good music

JP from Psyside

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