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Whats synths do u Goa makers recomend?

i want melodic synths´, kind of psychedlic..


the supernova 3 is comin out in the summer, but i think that it will be very expensive.. then the access c is out to, but these are new, can u recomend new ones and old ones..



Guest Andreas of Amygdala

I always recommend the Waldorf Microwave XT - it's VERY good a smooth atmospheric sounds, and can still pack a punch :)


The Absynth VST can do some pretty nifty stuff too - and if YOU're nifty, you can get that for free...


.oO Andreas of Amygdala Oo.


What you need is a big modular synthesizer, there is nothing that can match the sound of a pure old fashioned real analog modular synth.
















Some of these you have to build yourself, of course they do cost a little :) and take up a bit of space too, but they are totally modular, just patch away anyway you like, most of them sound just totally great too.


Alesis Andromeda seems really nice, a bit expensive though (too damn expensive if you ask me)


Then there are the VA ones, the usual Access Virus, Clavia Nord Lead, Waldorf Q, Waldorf XT


The upcoming Alesis ION could be good I guess, the Clavia Modular G2 will be absolutely fantastic.


You could do goa with almost any synth available, hell you could even get a Triton LE and make goa with :)



Guest Pandable

Woah, woah woah. You guys are jumping to conclusions.


The backbone of most goa studios is the SH-101 synthesizers, it does those watery lead and bass lines we all love so much. Other good stuff to check into is the Novation Bassstation rackmount, and the Juno-106. A good alternative to the 106 is the Akai AX-60. Other good stuff to check into later is the Korg MS- series (MS-10,20,50), that's some good patchable synths...

Guest Qualium

Well, if you have a shitload of cash, a shitload of room and shitload of time and effort to spare, you could go with Omar's option with the 70's style 'spaghetti wall' modular synthesizer.


But failing that, you could go with something a little more convenient and try an analogue-modelling digital modular synthesizer. I use a Nord Micro-Modular Synthesizer (with Logic Audio native effects) for practically *all* of my sounds - synths, rhythm, atmospherics, the lot - it's just so versatile, and the sounds are yummmyyyy ;-). To hear the Nord Mic-Mod in action. you can listen to my music at:




Every sound in both of the tracks I have up so far is created on the NMM, recorded into logic audio, given LA native effects where required, and layered, except for the occasional cymbal or hi hat sound (and maybe the bass drum of the first track). 'Realistic' cymbals and hi-hats are tricky with typical modular synthesis, but I just tend to use samples when I need them.


I have messed around with Reaktor a little (just the Mac demo so far) and it looks like a most effective piece of software - more versatile than the Nord, though the sounds aren't quite as 'warm' in my opinion. All the same, it is a softsynth that I have in my sights - I'll be getting it as soon as I can manage it with my limited budget.

Guest Andreas of Amygdala

Omar, sorry to argue like this - the Waldorf microwave XT isn't VA. It's a full-fledged wavetable synthesizer :)


.oO Andreas Oo.

Guest Billy

The Sh 101 its common for bass sound i know, but does it have any leads or strings? what does the juno 106 have?? and the korg ms 20


how much does these cost second handed??




korg ms20


Andreas, I am sorry but I'm afraid I have to argue back a little. The oscillators on the XT are wavetable for sure, but I doubt the filters are :) .


Qualium is right in that you don't have to have a big analog modular, I used to think that VA's and other new digital synths sounded good and accurate and stuff like that. And they still sound good, lots of VST ones do to, but after listening to a real nice analog synth something's simply missing. Of course the usual VA's can't be patched as much as a modular, that's why Clavia made the Nord Modular (and now the G2 ooohhh I want one).


But all synths have their own character and can make goa and psy with just about any synth at all. It's not about analog or digital, its more like which synth you prefer, both it's sound and it's interface.


If I have to name old nice synth here too I think I'm gonna break, there are just too many cool ones, one I would like for myself would be the Oberheim Xpander


But these new VA's are so much more than just a synth, we're talking 24-32 voices polyphony and 4-8 part multitimbral, bigass presetbanks for saving presets and stuff like that, would take quite a big modular for doing that :(

Guest Pandable

SH101 can do really liquid squelchy bass. I find myself using it as a lead melody line quite often.


Juno 106 is a great beginner synth, and has a LOT of power. Great floorshaking bass, and can even do leads if you want it to. Nice pads and strings too. Take note of Hallucinogen's song "Orphic Thrench", track 2 on Twisted - the synth that kicks in at 41 or 42 seconds in... I'm 80% sure that's a juno. If it isnt, I've made my juno do stuff similar to that, so that sounds enough like a juno to count.


MS20s are small modular synths korg made. Good buy in the future. It's filters have a sound all to their own, really unique. Run other things through them if need be. I've played around with an MS20, but dont own one. It's on my to buy list right now.

Guest Qualium

Omar: "Of course the usual VA's can't be patched as much as a modular, that's why Clavia made the Nord Modular (and now the G2 ooohhh I want one)."


Whaa ... ? Hey, I missed that announcement! But I've just checked clavia.se and ooh yeah this new box looks tassty. :D Oh dear, I guess that means I scratch the Rektor theory and start saving up for the G2. Probably just the G2 Engine rack unit though - at ~US$1k it'll be a lot more affordable than the ~US$2k+ full hands-on beast, and I'm more of a studio guy anyway.

Guest Andreas of Amygdala

Omar - word!


The filters and LFO and all that stuff are similar to the VA-ones. That's because subtractive synthesis is the only practical method.


And you're dead right on the Oberheim Xpander - Vince Clark from Erasure praises this as well, and although he doesn't exactly create psychedelic music - MAN he can turn buttons!! :)


.oO Andreas Oo.

Guest Woggz

:-) get an sh101 with midi converter, and learn about mutlitracking. get some good fx proccessing. Honestly if you're gunna spend like 1000-2000 i'd suggest getting an sh101 off ebay, $400, midi converter $100 $500 there, and then get a kurzweil k2500s with kdfx should be like 1300-1400, and you're set as hell:-)...can get soo many sounds with that combination. But reallly just start with a 101...



remember one key thing, it won't do pads or strings, *but* no one synth willl do all your synth sounds. and if somone says one will, don't believe them because they're obviously a nublet: -)...the greatest pad syntths can do basslines/leads for shit, i.e. xpander, and the greatest leads/bass synths, like 101, minimoog, sh5, can't do pads for shit either: -)...


modular is a waste for goa honestly. most goa is a simple 1 osc sound through a lpf and then distorted. until u hit psy, where it's just a bunch of HPF:-D and lfo modulations...some sounds can get nutty...but lets be honest. modular is best used for retriggering the VCA in interesting ways. it's more suited for techno, and experimental music. goa's so strucutred that i think it's best to have a very tight sounding synth that's easy to control. i.e. sh101


nord 3, ppft don't get that, imho nord 2 and 1 sound Much better than the nord 3...nord 3 is so gimicky, the fm is shit. those knobs r coool as hell, but i'd rather have the old biting nord sound then newer stuff...


juno106 is a GREAT first start though. it'lll help you learn about synthesis, and it's got midi already, and can do a lot of sounds. i t's *hard* to make a juno106 sound shitty : -)

Guest Lunar

I've bought shitload of gear lattely...you have mentioned some synths and i think i can help a little:

I own the following stuff:

Waldrof XT & Q (not micro Q, big version)

Roland Juno-106

Novation BasStation

Clavia Nordlead 2

Korg Ms-20 and MS-2000r


I must say that Analog sound way cooler then VA...if you have the Resonance on Max and start to tweak the Cut-Off on a VA you can hear that the synth can't take it..the sound somehow becomes screaming in ugly kind of way..it start to click and so on...but if you do that on a MS-20 or a juno-106 there are no clicks...on the other hand you have no memory which SUXX!!!!!! on the juno you have 64...from the VA i think the following:

MS-2000r i have to few sounds..only 128 sounds (a bit poor for a first synth)...and you can't expand it) sounds cool and all, but not as a first synth...Nordlead, buy a extra soundcard and you have 400 sounds...very good VA-synth BUT! you will need good Eq and a good FX-box....if you are going to make dark Atmospheric X-dream music then go for the waldorf XT..last but not least my personal favourite VA synth is the Waldrorf Q..great filters, great oscillators (probably the best in all VA synth)..but if you don't have any expierence it's a bit hard to get good sounds out of it ...so i would go either for the nordlead 2, XT och the Q...hope this help

And one more advice, don't buy monophnic old synths like the Ms-20 or the SH-101 and so on..buy first a VA synth to learn the basic stuff and there you have midi, memory and so on....



  • 3 weeks later...

common question, but i would say sh101 and a nord lead 3 that will do............but nord are a bit pricey but you can't go wrong will a sh101 i have one and it's my little baby. i also have a virus and a waldof and the sh101 is still the best!!!!

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