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Guest trenino

hello . I am a complete beginner and trying to figure out how it works..many functions but beleive i ll get it working. btw is there any tutorials available?


i have this question: i 've been told that i need some other software like acid pro and cubase sx.


the question is if i can produce a song in fruityloops why would i need to use either of these programs afterwards? cant i just have it on fruityloops?


what is the use of cubase sx or acidpro?



any aditional help is very welcome .like tutorials for beginners or something


thanks again

Guest soliptic

u can make an entire track in fruityloops


people saying "ohh you 'need' to use this program" are just being dicks, who think their own choice is the only "right" way. fruity, sx and acid are not really different tools, (like, for different aspects of production - one a sequencer, one a wave editor, or anything like that)... they are all kinda alternatives to one another


fruity is a sorta pattern-based tracker/sequencer type thing

acid is a mainly loop-based composition tool - its main "use" is taking many loops at different keys and tempos and making them fit together

sx is a traditional hybrid midi/audio sequencer - its main "use" is, well, just about anything under the sun really


which u choose just depends on which methodology and interface u prefer


as for beginners tutorials-- u might want to try getting hold of computer music, future music or sound on sound magazines, these have good beginner advice. websites: www.computermusic.co.uk / www.sospubs.co.uk

Guest soyouth

Fruityloops is perfect for beginning, the best tutorial is to watch the demo songs given with the software, you can also download the manual in pdf (very well done) on fruity website.


I started with fruityloops and you can do good stuff wit hit but you'll then get limited by the sequencer that is not so convenient (you cannot have melodic patterns that are 64 and rythmic one on 16 or 32, everything has t obe the same length and is gets annoying after a while)



Guest stuart

get a mac and logic/ cubase sx thats your best bet to start the ball rolling

Guest soliptic

no its not, thats just what u like


fruityloops is fine to start the ball rolling, without spending four thousand pounds on a mac :P

Guest primitive_brain

If you feel ok using fruity loops then its fine,you dont need nothing else especially when fruity studio comes out , hopefully its gonna be all in one!Do whatever you like and dont listen to anyone who says SX is better/logic is better (more proffesional programs). I use fruity loops since 99 and although i used lots of others 2 , i feel im never gonna give it up!

ooooh and the thing about the sequencer ! You may think that every pattern has to be of same length but that's not quite it!

If you use The pianno roll , you can have as big or as small patterns you want in the same track and its quite easy to be done 2 : )))

Especially if you're not using any hardware,stick to fruity!!!

Guest random

there is only one right way : your way. whatever floats your boat.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Ramesh

Use Notepad!!!!!!!!!!!



Just kidding. I would buy a good synth (ex: used JD-800), a computer with a sequencer software, and good active speakers. That would be good to start, then you can buy other stuff each year...(professional sampler, 50-input mixer, other synths, maximizer, SFX units, and other kewl toys)



Always listen and try all functions of a synth before buying it because "it looks nice" or because "I heard of it in the newspaper"!!


Don't buy Quasimidi synths.

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