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Guest primitive brain

hello. n e good (and budget) ideas on studio monitors ??? Nothing very fancy or expensive please . i just need a pair of speakers that everything i write ca nbe heard,im on these really lousy sanyo hi fi speakers now and .....they suck heheh im willing to spend about 350euros wich is about 350 $ ...i think : )


alesis studio 2's with a servo amp cost me £300. you can get behringer truths for £300 which are active, alot of people like them are wait a while and get some mackies 624's for £700 or 824's for £1000 but they are super good!

Guest random

i'd go with the behringer over the alesis (passive or active)

Guest UrhgurH

Yup behringer thruth, r pretty nice.

Make sure you get a good pair, we had to exchange our first pair,

becouse of a loose bas port..

Guest soliptic

my absolute 2s come in under your price at around £180 + £130 for matching servo amp... a bit bass light tho, so they're not ideal for a bass-heavy genre like psytrance :-/


i've heard bad things about behringer truths... not that that means much of course.


the mackie's are indeed absolutely gorgeous - a dream to work on.


best advice - get down the shop with some of your favourite cds and try several pairs out. buy the ones that sound the best!

Guest phlux0r

Also check out the new M-Audio Studiophile Series. They come in two sizes, the SPB5 and SPBX8. I've got the 8's and they are lovely. Nice phat bass and pretty crisp in the high end. Both are active monitors.



Guest primitive_brain

thanx guys,i was thinking about tannoy reaveal at first,then

i was in to behringer,but now im in love with the minipods heheh.

Minipods are a bit 2 difficult 2 be found in greece where i live though,

so i think i ll go with the behringer choice :->

Guest rnd

the minipods sound like shit anyways.. they're not monitors, they're "good speakers". no more.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest onkel dunkel

forget about the behringer they sound shitty as almost all behringer products does. if you are looking for a budget monitor that can do what you want and sound good enough to make neutral mixes on then check out the yamaha msp3´s out.

Guest vrabiosis

i also think you shoud forget the behringer,the bi-amp tannoy reveal are a good choice for about 500eur they sound very good and have a nice price for a pair of goob bi-amp monitors.......

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ramesh

I heard that berhinger tables are bad. How about speakers?.......


I like Mackie and then Alesis. Mackie is very good. Trust me. Wait a little bit and buy them when you got the money.

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