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keiretsu vs soliptic - ripples (imprint of creation) - melod

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Guest soliptic

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artist: keiretsu vs soliptic

title: ripples (imprint of creation)

link: http://www.transfigurate.com/dart/keiretsu...c_-_ripples.mp3

filesize: 10.8MB (fast server)

bpm: 138


background >


keirestu are my live band, we mix up mainly drumnbass and breakbeat but the occasional psy inspired 4/4 section, with many other musical influences like jazz, folk, salsa, ambient, rock/metal, electro, dancehall, etc. (keiretsu website -> http://www.keiretsu.org.uk )


i'm currently working on the production of our new album, and in particular one track best described as cinematic orchestra vs shpongle ... downtempo breakbeat, with warm organic instrumental textures, uplifting melodies and a sprinkling of psychadelia.


anyway the original album version isnt even finished yet but i have just knocked out a nice psy remix of the track. morning trance? i guess so... i'd certainly love to hear a track like this at sunrise.


i'm not quite sure if its too long.... i was inspired by Atmos' magnificent 14 minute track "cable enable", so i was interested in it being very gradual and very patient, very repetitive and very hypnotic, but of course there's always the chance that by lacking Atmos' genius it just turns out boring...


all opinions welcome!

Guest Jeroen

oh my...Is this the same God that wrote the Thinking Inside The Box tutorial?? :D anyway he's from the same 'clan' ;P


your description of the song is certainly very attractive..

you actually worry about the length of your song? :o Why? what's a bad thing about a long track? :) long tracks can be put more depth/emotion into, imo..The only reason I see to want to have a short track is because..because it's not so 'long'! ;) it's just a "simple", usually happy, song that one can turn on without having to really take the time..kinda like the difference between snack and dinner :P (omg i'm thinking in food...:|)


anyways, I was here to listen to your song! :) Let's go!


nice sound fx starts the track...low synth and pad come in creating an atmosphere that says "something-is-coming"...ohw..I hadn't expected that something would be a bassdrum :o. ohw well :) bassdrum/hihat/bassdrum/hihat...what the? bassdrum/hihat/hihat/bassdrum? i can't figure out what the rhythm is! :P don't worry, it's fine :) vocals and some more fx come in, forcing the drums a little bit more to the background, which i think is a good move :)


ow sorry drifted away there a little..was waked by something that sounds quite nice :) I'm now in the middle of it at...4:14.

Some more synths join us a little later, and it's becoming an interesting whirlpool of different rhythms now! I can indeed imagine this to be good in the morning! :)


and that was the end of our polyphony..things cooling down a bit..by the way, before the 'whirlpool' part i forgot to mention the fact that there is a relaxed atmosphere :)


hm. the post-polyphonic bit seems more like fill-up until the next interesting piece..:o


percussion builds up again..nice :)..the sound quality is pretty damned good by the way! :o


there is a synth a bit in the background, it's delayed, and it plays 3 different combinations of 2 tones again and again...although it's nice, it's been playing for quite awhile and i don't know if i think it should be left in or that it should be taken out by now..It does seem to be fundamental to the entire piece..oh! it's finished! I'm gonna listen it again while i finish this review..


well, firstly, the sound quality is very nice!!:)

second (hmm on a second listen a lot of things sound better already :), less strange (i was a bit disappointed by the kick drum at first but that's totally gone now :P..ah there's the vocal again! ^-^)

right, second, (..lala) ahmm what should i say as second?

oh, right, I'm not sure if it's a bad thing, but I have the feeling something is missing...after a while i found out it's probably the lack of a real ehm..'main' melody. there is a part of the track in which there is a climax, but i think there can't be spoken of a real main melody, it's more a polyphony. a nice polyphony, don't get me wrong :o but ahm..maybe it's the lack of anything 'main', everything is main :P Well I don't recommend that you alter the entire middle mote of your track, it's fine as it is ;) this was more just a note..

ooh!! yes!! I thought of a nice tip!! how about you do something nice with panning! you could make the track really exciting! :)


hm..that's about it I guess..it's certainly a nice track, but it also seems for a big part 'finished' :P meaning I don't have many tips to give you...




*note: I just came from taekwondo (it's a martial art) training and this night have barely slept cuz a few friends stayed over, so my impression of the track may be a little less positive than the average person, as everything right now is somewhat vague :P


anyways, goodnight! ;) plur

Guest soliptic

yup, that tutorial was by me :)


thanks for listening and all the comments! personally i think beyond very very tired is probably the ideal state to listen to this track ;-)

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