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Guest groovious

Hallo there....

My brains is bubbling...i have many vst instruments....plus some rented outboard gear ...mostly synthy but i just cant find my way of making some good kicks...plz dont tell me again about the infected mushroom site...been there check it out...

How can i produce a good kick and then put it inside cubase so i can wortk with the synth over it....

I dont have the cubase manual so many things seem quite "not easy "....


Every help around kicks and how can u play them inside cubase for about 3-4 minutes would be much appreciated...






a easy beginning:

start of with a sine wave around C1 or so. Use your ears to hear which note to play.

then use an envelope to control the pitch of the note with 0 attack, short decay and 0 sustain and 0 release.

Then just try different decays and you have a good beginning..

Guest sudenn

hey, you always could steal some kicks from published tracks...



Guest stefan k.



the best kicks you find in sample-cd's. listen to different cd's

and take the best one.

afterworts you have to put a compressor over it and you can

also play with en eq.


good luck!!!


Work with Logic and "Kick"cubase,

The best kicks you will find on the "Einstein1and 2"Akai sample cd!!!

Look at drum-files house-bassdrums 1-to....................

I hope there is one for you!?


Love and light




yeah try to get some sample cds


if u can't go to www.isratrance.com there is a very good post about how to make your own kickdrums, look for the posts by Nectarios...

that should help :)

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