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Guest schuenck_br

Does anybody know where can I find some material for learning more abouta CUBASE SX?


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jikkenteki

Your instruction manual is always a good place to look. =-P

Guest BeaSingha

Yeah hehehe .. check the manual like the rest ot us.


ohh And nice to se you here Jikkenteki .... Like your music ....


Keep it up man



Br: Nick aka "BeaSingha"



Guest soliptic

what, u expect us to do all the work for you?


i'm really tired of people who download cubase, hit a messageboard with questions like "how to use cubase" - its an entire damn studio in a single piece of software, WTF? u think ppl with old-school studios learned how to use that with a single reply on a msgboard


like BeaSingha said... how do u think the people who DO know how to use it, managed to learn? do u think they just came to forums asking basic questions like how to add audio or use a vsti ? no, i think they probably looked in the help file (or even just scanned thru the menus... first time i used nuendo, i thought "how can i add some audio"? so i look in the first menu , "file" ... ooh look there's an "import" choice... ooh look, there's "import audio" . not hard really eh)


just read the manual + practice, really


Look fore the book author Roman Petelin - Cubase SX wher you finde all ansves for you quachens about CUBASE SX actuli Roman and Juri Petelin was wrout meny good books about meicing music winh computer..... Sorry for grama :)

Guest schuenck

I´m just asking, I have the manual,,,, But this forum is for helping people,,,,

If u are tired,,,don´t enter the forum,, if u think u are the best, fu$#$ U!!!!

Guest soliptic

where did i say i think i am the best?




what makes you think telling people to fuck off and generally being rude by saying "thanks for nothing" is the best way to get help?


Your attitude stinks.


Please, books, manuals and links are the resources, the topic is way to vast to answer in a forum, the guidance you'll probably get here is related with more specific issues.

Guest Nomolos

what the hell is wrong with u people??????

look at the topic....no one asked any one to teach him how to use cubase...

just where to do it,before all u bored, trigger happy people waiting for some one that is "new" in this area so u can unload your shit...take a deep breath and think...maybe instead of beeing an asshole i will help this guy or just log off the forum turn on your cubase fx and start doing what your"so good" at....making Trance with good vibes.

have a nice TRIP.


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