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cubase sx or logic audio


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currently i´m producing my stuff with reason and cubase sx on pc, but lately i´ve been hearing that logic audio is great and better and i´m feeling tempted to cahange or try, i would appreciate if someone could tell me wich one is better or more recommendable in order to create good quality music.thanks

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they are both good...

basically if the music u make in cubase is not good enough for u,

u will not start making good music if u switch to logic. It will not make your music better. Instead i would focus on my sound making techniques and on my production if i was u...

But i like the interface of Logic better so that's why i chose it.. Good luck..

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Guest mechasonics

logic has been discontinued for pc, so its not a good option.


also remember that the only thing you need to make music is time, not equipment or software. =)

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thanx again just to clear things, i never thought that another software would make my music better it`s not possible i just wanted wich software has a better interface or tools in order to make life easier. thanks for those sarcastic comments

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I used Cubase for years but I ultimatly found it too limiting. When you want to start getting really creative and you want to do crazy things with your sound Cubase just doesn't cut it! There are huge differences between the Logic and Cubase. Cubase is just a virtual hardware studio. Logic is all broken down to objects. For instance, let's say I want to hold a chord on my MIDI controller and use my Mod wheel to pan an arpeggio across 5 of my synths, Logic can make it happen. Cubase can't touch that! Aside from that the user groups for Logic (at least on Yahoo) are 13,000 strong. You can get answers for any question that you have in minutes. I have found a the Logic community to be very helpful. When I used to use Cubase Getting getting answers to solve problems sometimes took days.

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