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The "Fat-Boy-Slim" Effect


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Guest trance-porter

Hello Everybody!!


I make myself a little bit goa-trance, and i'm looking for an effect.

California sunshine also use it in their song x-waves (circa in the middle of the song). The effect work like, overdropping all the sounds and samples at the same time and finished it sounds like a siren or a simply high frequenced tone.


If any body can help me please. By the way I use Cubase SX, rewired reason2.5, Juno 106, a solton anolg keyb, and other stuff.




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Guest Andreas of Amygdala

I'm leaving for xMas holiday soon, so this will be short.


If I understand which effect you are looking for, then you need to use a sampler (hard- or soft-ware). What Fatboy Slim does, is to loop a sample, with the loop-start and -end VERY close together. Then assign the loop start-time to some MIDI controller, and slowly move it back and forth over the sample - this is known as scrubbing I think.


To generate the high frequency siren, just set you pitchbender to bend across two octaves, or something like that - then you can speed up the tiny loop, and a (rough) note will appear :)


It takes a little work, but is worth it ;)


Merry christmas!!

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