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Guest tunel

hi... look i have a problem with kicks, so i want help on how can i make a good kick with no hardware, i wanna get the sound like the kicks of pps project and wizzy noise. so please give me some tutorial =)

Guest Psysector

Good samples lot of compresion u could use amlitude it s a prety nice vst

but not expect to have profesional results with software.








if u have logic i know how to make pretty decent kiks with the es1...

let me know if u are interested i can go into some details...

but basically u want to modulate the filter of ans osc and put the resonance at the max, and with careful tweaking u can get ok results...

Guest psymex

I`m using logic pro and i would like to get some of your tricks to make good kick drums.


Guest responsius

Try to overlap two or three different kick samples (from a sample cd) with a vst drum machine or sampler. Choose one for the lower frecuencies and the other/s for the middle/highest frecs. Process each sample separately (modulation, envelope, filters...) in your drum machine/sampler and listen to the whole result, untill you get something close to what you´ re after. It´ s a good method but takes time, you´ ll have to try with a lot of samples

Apply a bit of compression and little reverb to the resulting kick and that´ s it. It´ s much better than single kicks, they often sound poor when working with software.

p.d. wizzy noise use first class hardware equipement... don´ t depress if it doesn´ t sound like their kicks in the first five minutes!


so to creat a kick...

open the es1 synth...

then set the resonnace to max. and use mod. enveloppe to modulate the filter cutoff. Set the envellope like this: attack=10, decay=50, sustain= 40, release=10,... these are just guidelines so don't be afraid to tweak...


here is the the post i got from isratrance that taught me how to make kiks...



"The kick was made on a Waldorf Microwave XT. The tone itself is from a resonant 24 dB filter bandPass filter with maximum resonance from filter self-oscilation.

The cutoff frequency is low (22 of 127). It is the frequency that the kick "ends" in - the one I think people wants to harmonize with basslines...?

An envelope controls cutoff with NO attack, semi-fast decay (value 19 of 127 possible) and no sustain or release. The amount of cutoff-freq modulation imposed by the filter-envelope is only 38 of 127 - this seems pretty crucial, as a sweep too big thwarts the "umph" of the kick (and one too small just creates "umph" and no click)

The volume envelope has an attack of 1 to get rid of a very high-frequency click - a somewhat slow decay of 42, to let the low humming tone die out slowly - zero for sustain and release.

There are no phunky stuff like modifiers, and creepy enveloping going on, no compression, no nuttin' (not even EQing!) - the only exception being that the keyboard controls cutoff-frequency as well, so that different ending frequecies can be used easily. The shape of the kick is essentially in the volume-envolpe, since the filter-envelope just generates a standard sweep.


I think any synth with a pretty decent 24 dB BP filter will be able to create a kick like this. Set up a good sweep ranging in the frequncies you want, and shape the click, "umph" and power (lower mid-freqs) with the volume envelope. I think the degress in frequency and volume is linear, but I'm not completely sure if the Microwave XT uses logarithmic or exponential envelopes...?


- Hope this helps a little. When creating a kick, make sure to use some synth or wave-editor, that let's you control parameters real-time, while the sound is playing. Otherwise, it's more luck than effort and listening... "



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