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Guest maniaxx

does someone want to produce with another producer?

Guest miKeLogic303

how much produce does a producer produce if a producer produces produce?


How long you been producing then?



Guest maniaxx

you´r a funny one.


hmmm, for about 7 months..and you?

Guest Psychofski

Hi maniax where r u from what software do u use any track to see your work?cheers

Guest miKeLogic303

Around five years.


Have just relocated to germany but can send you a cd of some samples which you can remix into a new track. Send your mail address to mikelogic303 AT hotpop DOT com



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

no you dumb shit, no one wants to produce with you.



whoah ... take it easy.. i think it would be interesting to work on a song together over the internet. like if you were using reason we could exchange all our samples and stuff over the net through aim or something and just kind of remix one anothers work and add to it. im down for it. i have reason, cubase sx, and a nord lead 2 for now.

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