Guest ZX81 Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 If anyone wants me to develop a particular sound for them, send me a sample of what you want and I will recreate it for free using synths so as to copyright free it... I can make any sound! I have been making music for over a thousand years in BuzzTracker, Reason, Orion, Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic, Sadie, Paris, Hardware (have 2 studios) etc... There is no snag...I am having problems with inspiration at the moment and would rather do something useful for someone (oh yeah if you say what program you use, I could do it in that program so that you can see how it works)... I can only do this if I get like 10 or less requests...or rather I will probably only be able to do the first 10 requests... Don't flame me for this, I'm just helping people out... Peace out, Matt (ZX81 - New Zealand) Quote
Guest ben Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 ok i have a request... i would love to make those pad sounds that altom and silicon sound make... u know those pads they put in their intros with a beautiful sound... like in the track altom-groove control at the beginning.... so can u help me out? that would be great ben Quote
Guest ben Posted July 14, 2004 Posted July 14, 2004 btw i use logic and plug-ins and i have a nord lead 2.... Quote
Guest ben Posted July 14, 2004 Posted July 14, 2004 examples of songs: altom - escape from the structure altom - niagara altom - upgrader altom - wonderfull also some silicon sound tracks like: silicon sound - shodan silicon sound - seismic charge (from album) silicon sound - african daydream silicon sound - inner space check those tracks, i am talking about the pads in the background that last for the whole intro, i just can't seem to figure out how to make those. i know that some of those pads are a little bit different from the others but they seem to have something in common... also it seems to me that they come out of the absynth, so if u could help me on how to make those beautiful pad sounds with absynth that would be great. thanks in advance.. ben Quote
Guest ZX81 Posted July 17, 2004 Posted July 17, 2004's the first one, I will put up the other songs soon...making lots of music at the mo...had antibiotics so I'm not sick anymore...2 degrees celcius here 2day... So, altom - escape from the structure The pad in this is only 2 sounds... the first is a slow attack choir (male voice) sample. They may have used a predesigned chord or single notes. If notes, they seem to be: B2, G1 and E1 (where the number is the octave). The top's have been rolled off (so you use a low pass filter set about 2/3 or something close). The volume change on this was easiest to do by making like 1 bar notes and then 3 bars gap, but with a long attack and release on the choir notes. The other sound is slightly more interesting. It appears to be a couple of triangle waves slightly offset (so you use two oscilators, one +1 or 2 cent tuning, the other -1 or 2 cents). This creates the slight modulation easily. the higher the number, the faster the modulation. Also I found that to reproduce it acurately I needed to set the velocity on the notes to control the attack time (that way you can start two notes at the same time and one will take longer to attack). This is one way of making a sound swirl from one note to another. The other way is just to use long attacks and start the notes one after another (I prefer the different attack times as it seems more natural to me). For this sound I also set the pulse width slightly low on the first oscilator and slightly high on the second oscilator. As I think I said, the attacks and release times are quite high. The notes were something like: B4, G4 and A5, the B4 is just a foundation, while the A5 and G4 have different velocities so that the A5 comes in over the G4. This creates a nice modulation too, because the A and G are quite close notes. Oh and delay...on the choir I just used a little of 6 left 8 right panning delay (50%feedback, 30% wet 70% dry) and on the modulating notes I used a delay with 100%wet 0%dry 6 left 6 right straight delay with 85% feedback(this helps with a pad to allow the sound to develop - if you have lots of modulation it quickly become very fat). Oh yeah and on the modulating notes synth I used a band pass filter with resonance set to 45% and the cuttoff around the two main notes (A and G) this means that the volume can be dropped because the resonance will raise the volume and make it a bit more sinusoidal. It also removes the low frequency part. It's quite important to remove frequencies that are occupied by other instruments as this avoids muddiness. Post if you have any questions and I will continue through your song list. Peace out, Matt (ZX81) Quote
Guest ben Posted July 17, 2004 Posted July 17, 2004 thanks man !! i will try this out later... and yeah if u could continue through that list that would be great.. it's really nice to know that people are helping each other out Quote
Guest Dan Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 mate, thanks so much for doin this, realy useful. my request.... 02:35 into Chaplin by infected mushroom, track five on converting vegetarians..... this sound is insane...i just don't get how they do it. it obviously is a combination of sounds (or it's heavily automated) but if you could put me on the right track to making a sound thats anything like this i would be really grateful. unfortunately i don't have a fancy nord, just a load of plugins with cubase... thanx again Quote
Guest ben Posted July 23, 2004 Posted July 23, 2004 i would say it's heavily automated... the filter cutof for sure but something else too... but those guys are really talented.... Quote
Guest Kurki Posted July 24, 2004 Posted July 24, 2004 Hi! I hope you have not gotten too busy, bevause I would have a request for you. Me and my friend have been wondering about some analog synth magic found in some old goa pieces, and one is Pleiadians tracks Asterope. No matter how would I try I haven't been able to create this lovely sound coming in about 5:35 after abuild up. It might be pretty simple sound, but still I haven't been able to get it right. I have tried making it with Novation Nova VA synth and free VST synth1, but I guess the basics are the same with any analog or VA. So if you are not too troubled now I would appreciate your contribution. 8) Thank you. Quote
Guest Kurki Posted July 24, 2004 Posted July 24, 2004 Uh now I almost got it myself. Just ring modulate pretty low and filter pretty heavy. I think I have found this before but forgotten it. Quote
Guest mike Posted August 10, 2004 Posted August 10, 2004 Help me ZX81're my only hope...... This is going to be tricky for me to explain. There's a particular sound heared mainly in trance music (although some goa/psytrance artists also use it [eg. PRANA), this sound sounds like it has a blocked nose, hehe, sounding both abrasive and yet smooth. Also, it has mid-range freq. & is often used as a solo synth line, but not always. One good example is from an old track by SUNLITE -"remember we played together". Another example is found on LOST TRIBE's track "gamemaster". OK, it's not a very detailed description to go by but think of the 'blocked nose' sound! U will definitely recognize it when u hear it. Hope u can help me out there, bro. Take Care, MikeC Quote
Tempest Posted August 23, 2004 Posted August 23, 2004 I have a few requests for you if you have the time cause i think these are some of the sickest sounds.. psyside - lost soul exactly @ 2:45 into the song (that 'crunchy' nord sound during the breakdown) psyside -lost soul (again) @ 4:57 they do a very short solo of this synth (or sample?) that sounds like its 'talking' (they repeat the sound throughout the song but this is a very clear sample of it at 4:57) space cat - power up @ 3:33 is a very similar 'talking' sound but it has some effect on it i think infected mushroom - bp empire @ 3:50 is also sort of similar to the afore mentioned 'crunchy' nord sound anyway that would be AWESOME if you could tell me how they made those sounds ( i have a nord lead 2 btw)... im not tryin to make cookie cutter tracks with the exact sounds - i just want to know the settings that make them so perhaps in the future i can create some sort of similar yet even sicker sounds and plus theyre really fun to play around with on the keyboard paix Quote
Sour Milk Posted September 1, 2004 Posted September 1, 2004 I have a very simple request for you: give me some BASS!!!!!!!!!!! Just out of your inspiration, I definetely would like to have some nice psy-like bass samples so I can build a song Im developing, hope you can do it thanks for sharing your time Quote
klopfgeister Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 hey man..... i would like to know how to makle these stuttering gated vocals, that hallucionogen invented in the early 90ies. like in "angelic particles"(tip rec 1994) Im producing in logic audio 5.5 greetinx klopfgeister Quote
zee_werp Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 Hey ZX81 Well I see you've been kind of swamped with requests here so I'll hold off for now. Just wondering where in NZ you are? I'm in Dunedin and I'm just getting started out in electronic music production. Basically I've spent a year off and on screwing round on FL Studio 4 because my computer is too crap to handle anything else, but I'm getting a new computer in a few days and then I'm planning on getting seriously into it. Scored a 210w Technics amp and 2x 40w Technics speakers the other day for $40 off my friend whose obsessed with uprading his sound gear. So yeah anyway just sayin hi to a fellow kiwi...maybe see you round at a psy party or something! Quote
Guest djnemo Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 Hey ZX81 (I had one too by the way) hehe. Anyways, something that I have never been able to re-produce is a really funky tech-house-trance stab... might sound cheesy, but here is an example of what I mean: I am using Cubase SX 2, Reason, Loads od Softsynths... BUT I would like to have the sound re-produced on a Virus C (As this is my main soundmodule).... your help here is much appreciated... You might be intressted in a project that I am starting soon.... gimme your email addy, and we can 'Talk'..... Later Quote
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